How did you come to know Jesus?

I grew up in the church, and I came to know Jesus through my grandmother’s nighttime prayers with me at age five. It was a very real - and to this day -  a very clear experience.

How do you experience Jesus now?  

To me, without Christ I would not have made it through the last eight years of heavy trial. Specifically the last three and in every area. First we were afflicted with health, and then from there it just dominos. It was disruptive to the family, our roles all changed, and sickness kept impacting our income, which impacted what the kids were able to do and where they were going to school.

Despite the firm foundation, as a family we have in Christ, and we’re a home that praises and worships the Lord through music and prayer, spontaneous prayer, yet in still the battering we took just began to erode our foundation to the point where I felt myself shaken and more times than not instead of looking at God's purpose and God's plan through everything that was happening, I was starting to become weighted down by the physicalness of what was happening.   Instead of looking to the Spirit, I was starting to try to figure it out myself. Consequently, I didn't have the strength for my family and the kids.

So now they're teens, and they're having to confront the culture that they live in, and it’s not necessarily the way they were brought up. I understand that without Christ, I wouldn’t have the power of prayer to intercede on behalf of my children so that they would be able to get an understanding of His love for them and the choices He can help them make. That would be a blessing to their lives and a blessing to others, and for me it is such that in every situation, I can see, like the scripture says, “Whatever the enemy will mean for evil, God can bring about and does bring about good”.  And through the sermons, I began to see how God has brought good out of the calamities we’ve had, especially in the last three years. So all praise and glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!
