Have you ever wondered what it would look like if all of our leaders and volunteers got together in the same room to experience God and connection with each other? We’d love to see that become a reality!
If you are part of a volunteer ministry team, ministry board, church council, church staff, or if you serve in leadership of any capacity at FCC, you are invited to join us on Saturday, September 7 for our Fall Leadership Gathering from 9-11am. This gathering will be a special opportunity for ALL of our leaders and ministry team members to come together for worship, prayer, vision casting, and training as we start a new ministry year. Please mark your calendars and prioritize this morning for yourself and for others who serve with you at FCC. All volunteer team members are encouraged to attend. We would be so delighted to see you that day!
Please RSVP! Pastries and coffee will be provided. Childcare is available for kids up to 5th grade. Please indicate your childcare needs on your RSVP.